Phase 3

Facilities Improvement


  • Major Carpet and Cove Base Goals are close to being met but need installation help in 5 remaining rooms
  • Roofing at South Campus Estimate at $25K

  • North Campus Lockers COMPLETED!
  • Current Progress on this Phase:
    -Carpet has been obtained at an incredibly discounted price and about major public areas in both buildings have been installed by volunteer help but we need to have some addition rooms installed to take advantage of the new carpeting we obtained.
    -Nice Lockers have been obtained and installed at a good price
    -The former preschool trailer has been relocated onto a new building pad which will be used to enhance the Center's ministry and is generating new income which is offsetting the additional utility costs from the new construction.

    Current Giving to this Campaign
    Of course the focus has been on Phase 1 and 2 of these campaigns, but to date over $30,000 has been given toward facility improvement. We are looking for people who have a vision to see our older facility at South improved and the little things that make a difference completed. Let us know if you want to be a part of this important campaign.