Champion Christian Middle School
Bible Festival Guidelines
The Bible Festival presentations will be at North Campus the last week of September. Parents are welcome to attend the Bible festival.
Each middle school student will choose a topic from the Bible such as an event or an individual.
Your topic must be approved by your Bible teacher.
There must be a visual aspect to the presentation.
Poster Board, Google Slides, Prezi, or Powerpoint, etc.
This should be approved by your Bible teacher.
Some suggestions are: a drawing, a painting, a diorama, Powerpoint, or Prezi production, etc.
The oral presentation should be no shorter than 4 minutes or no longer than 6 minutes. Your oral presentation should include an explanation of your visual aid and an explanation of your selected Bible passage.
Scripture is important and must be included in both the oral and written presentations. Using a concordance, a Bible dictionary, a commentary and Bible Maps are all good resources for information. Please include context for scripture referenced and how it applies as follows.
Included in your written presentation should be:
A) A paragraph explaining the importance of this Scripture
B) An explanation of the time, culture and individuals involved
C) What is the message for mankind today?
D) What is the message for you in your daily life?
The rough draft of the written paper may be typed, double-spaced in Times New Roman, 12 point font. One page for all students in grades 5-6 and two pages for all students in grades 7-8.
Please call or email your child's Bible teacher at North Campus for any questions you may have.