

A program of the Christian Family & Children’s Center

2166 Indian Head Road, Champion, PA 15622

North Campus (724)-593-9200 FAX 724-593-9210

South Campus (724)-455-2122 FAX 724-455-6651

www.champion.org/ccs email: info@champion.org

February, 2008


Dear _________________________, 


          As you may know, my school, Champion Christian High School, has mission opportunities for high school students. Every year we take a major mission trip to one of four very different types of areas. This year we are sending a team to an Appalachian area in West Virginia.

          I am writing to let you know that I have been led to go on the trip this year. You may be aware that Champion Christian High School is a part of the Christian Family & Children’s Center in Champion, PA (www.champion.org). This year we are going from March 26th through the 30th. A group of approximately 25 students and adults representing CCHS will be working with the First Baptist Church in Huntersville, WV. We will be helping with repairs and construction, working with their ministries, and participating in the work of two local federal minimum security prisons. We will be working with the church youth group as they interact with the local culture as well as the prison culture during our time there.

          Also, you may remember that many of us went on a mission trip to a very poor area in Mexico two years ago. We were welcomed with open arms and had an indescribable experience with the people there. It was awesome! Last year, our trip to Canada exposed us to a culture that was post-Christian. It provided great opportunities for us to not only help and minister but to learn what it means to live in a post-Christian culture. This trip will be different in many ways, and we have chosen it because of that. God calls us to spread His Good News to all people everywhere...so look out West Virginia, here we come! It will be an important spiritual and cultural experience for me and my friends. We expect that the differences in the culture in Appalachia will be a challenge to us as the spiritual needs of Appalachia are very difficult, but also we hope to find inspiration and hope. In some ways, living in an area that is on the upper tip of Appalachia will provide some great opportunities for us to examine our own culture in the light of this experience. We are estimating that the costs for the trip are going to be about $400 per person, which will cover travel, food, and mission material expenses. We always give anything that is over expenses back to the ministries that we serve.

          I am writing to ask you to pray for us, but we also would like to ask you to join this exciting venture by giving a gift of financial support. We would appreciate your gift of $100.00 or whatever the Lord leads you to give towards this trip. Everyone committed to going on this trip must raise funds to go. We have all been working together to make this a team effort, and my desire to go must be met with my willingness to ask people to support this mission program. If you cannot give that is fine! We are building this year’s mission web page as a place to find out more about what we are doing and you will be able to see it on our High School Missions Page at www.champion.org/ccs/missions.




Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Middle School High School

“Committed to Academic Excellence within a Nurturing and Distinctly Christian Atmosphere”


There are two ways you can give to this important cause:


    1.   A gift given in my name will go directly towards my expenses, but cannot be shared in other ways. If I receive gifts to my costs more than $400, I will either return the gifts over that amount, or ask that they be given to the general mission trip fund to help others who are going. Gifts given towards my expenses only ARE NOT tax deductible. Please mark the check with my name only if this is the case.


2.A gift given generally to the mission team IS tax deductible and will be distributed evenly to the group. Any student participating in the group must raise funds and contact people to help support the trip. This opportunity will assure that everyone can go on the trip. All monies received over our actual expenses will be used for the ministry needs in the service area we visit. Please mark the check “mission trip” in this case.



         Thanks for caring and sharing! God bless you as you join our team to win people to Christ and train youth for ministry.










A couple of quick notes that are important from CCHS’s perspective:


1. We will acknowledge each gift with a receipt and report of the trip. In order to do that, please give us your address along with your gift. If you would not like to be on our mailing list, please note that clearly.


2. Please do not hand cash to students or make checks payable to anyone other than Champion Christian School Mission Trip, 2166 Indian Head Road, Champion, PA 15622. This is to protect the integrity of both the students and our ministry.


3. No monies received will be used for anything other than Mission Trip expenses and gifts to the mission organizations with whom we are working. A financial report will be issued as part of the mission report at the end of the trip.


4. Please contact one of the CCHS Administrators at 724-593-9200, D. Merle Skinner, Executive Director of the Center (merle_skinner@champion.org) Ext. 103, or Mrs. Gloria Kerin, High School Principal (gloria_kerin@champion.org) Ext. 106 for additional information.