DENVER MISSION TRIP 


SOUTHWEST AIRLINES Specs. for luggage include: Passengers may check 2 free pieces of

       luggage that equals no more than 62 inches ( l x w x h ) and 1 carry on ( 10" x 16" x 24" ).

       Bags cannot weigh over 50 lbs.

       Liquids should be put in 3 oz. Containers inside a quart size ziplock bag.

       Prescriptions must be kept in the bottle or box as prescribed by physician.

Bedding :Sheets, very small pillow ( or use jacket or rolled - up towel for a pillow)

        Towel, washcloth

Personal items: soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, lotion, shampoo, hair dryer

        (Check and see if we can take just a few hair dryers so we can save space.)

        Cell phone, cd player and cd’s that are labeled. Small travel alarm clock.

Clothing : Check online to see what the weather pattern will be for Denver from Mar. 19 - 23.

         In general the weather is erratic that time of year – much like here. It might be 80 one day and 30 the next. So it would be a good idea to take a couple of warmer sweaters or

         sweat shirts and 2 short sleeved. Make sure you are in CCS dress code. No holes in

         ragged jeans or inappropriate tops, etc. We will go to church on Sunday so no tee shirts

         or jeans then. A light weight jacket would be a good idea – dress in layers, etc.

         Flip flops will only be allowed for the shower. Otherwise – take casual, comfortable shoes. Take sunglasses, souvenir money, extra eyeglasses, etc.

        Take a pair of old clothing for painting, cleaning, gardening assignments. You

         may want to take a pair of work gloves, too.

PHOTO I. D. Cards for anyone 18 and over. For those under 18 something that states your

          age – like a copy of your birth certificate is okay. It would be even better if you have

          a photo i.d. but at least have something with your birth date.

           EXCHANGE STUDENTS you must have your passport!!!