Everyone Going on the Mission Trip must have:
If the student has a passport, he or she may skip requirements #1 and #2.
#3 is mandatory for all students under eighteen.
{1} An original state issued birth certificate with the raised seal - it cannot be hospital issued and cannot be a copy.
{2} A state issued photo ID-any student age 16 or over who does not already have a driver’s license must obtain a photo ID at any driver's testing location. The student needs an original birth certificate and a social security card plus pay a fee of $10 to the state. Go to any exam point, no preregistration is needed. Most are open from Tuesday through Saturday from 8-4 P.M. We are researching an ID for students under 16 that will be acceptable for immigration and will let parents know shortly.
{3} Notarized permission form signed by BOTH biological parents (ie both people listed on the birth certificate even if not married, -- and if one is deceased, need proof of that! )
{4} Married females must have their marriage licenses in hand to prove the change of name from the birth certificate.