Mission to New York


The Champion Christian High School Mission Team led by YWAM sponsor Mark Britt and Champion sponsors Mrs. Barb Skinner and Mrs. Mary Setliff traveled to New York City in Sept. 1998.  After a major setback with the van (the gas tank developed a hole along the interstate and the Lord sent an angel to help us and repair it!) we were settled in to the Living Waters Fellowship building in Brooklyn, NY.  We went to Manhattan to visit the Bowery Mission, listened to inspirational stories of homeless and lost people who are now serving the Lord, and helped with their soup kitchen on the streets.  We teamed up with the NY City Relief 'bus' in Harlem doing street witnessing and handing out food. In the evening we got to go to the Empire State Building, saw the opulence of 5th Avenue and the Trump Tower. The comparison between that and the poverty we had been ministering to was astounding. We attended the Living Waters Spanish church service. The area in Brooklyn in which we were staying was very Hispanic. Right across the street from us we saw the graffiti with gang names and watched drug deals from the safety of our second floor rooms! And yet, we felt no fear and enjoyed being part of such a vibrant community of believers there.  There are many more stories we could tell of all that the Lord did while we were there. Most importantly, we, as a group, were changed. We saw the Lord move and work and we were privileged to be used of Him in a small way. Praise the Lord!             

























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