Important Preschool Information

Sick policy - Please do not bring your child to school within 24 hours of having these symptoms - Diarrhea, vomiting, or fever. They must be free of symptoms for twenty-four hours without the aid of medication. Call as early as possible to let the teacher know that the child will not be at school.

Picking up children - We want to make the dismissal as smooth as possible and not interrupt the learning experience. The children will be dismissed one at a time as the teacher ensures to see and to contact each parent/guardian before dismissing the children.  If you have a different family member, friend, or another preschool parent who will be picking up your children, please notify the office and have them add those people to your emergency contact list.  We CANNOT dimiss a child to anyone who is not on the emergency contact list.   If you have to pick up children early, make arrangements as soon as possible so we can plan our day so the child doesn't miss anything.

Snack - Your child will be asked to bring the snack about once every 4 to 9 weeks. This allows you and your child the opportunity to plan and to provide a nutritious snack for snack time and it provides your child with the opportunity to share something with his/her classmates that is special. Ask your teacher if there are any children with allergies in your class.


Library Day - Once a week, the preschool students will be visiting our school library. They will be permitted to choose and bring home two books each week. We encourage you to spend time reading these books with your child. We also recommend that you teach your child to keep these books in their backpacks when they are not in use. This way, they are easy to find on return days. The books need to be returned to the school by the next library day. Preschool books can be identified by a yellow strip of tape on the binding. If books are not returned on time, your child will not be able to take out a book until they are returned. And, just a quick note, our Library is open to the public and we have many books for and about children. Fill out a Library Patron form to participate.

Show-N-Share - Show-N-Share will be designated on the monthly preschool calendars. This activity allows your child the opportunity to share something with his/her classmates. Please keep in mind the Center's educational philosophy when helping your child choose. No guns or toys that promote violence, magic or superpowers. Label all items.

North Campus
Donegal, PA 15628
(724) 593-9200
South Campus
Indian Head, PA 15446
(724) 455-2122