Providing the snack is an important part of your child’s Christian fellowship so please allow your child to actively participate in choosing the snack. Check the monthly calendar for your week. During this week, you and your child are asked to provide a snack and drink for each day of his/ her class. Snacks served by the Center need to be nutritious and well-balanced since we have adopted a wellness policy so we appreciate all the help you can give in providing healthy snacks for the children! . It is very important that you let the Center know of any food allergies that your child has. We ask that you include snacks for two more people than are in the class (we often have visitors). Please bring napkins, plates and cutlery on the first day of the week you bring snacks. If there is a problem with helping provide snacks for Preschool, please talk with Ms. Jen.

On the following list are examples of nutritious snacks. Have fun with your child while teaching him about appropriate eating habits. Feel free to use your creativity when choosing healthy snacks and think about coordinating a snack with the unit being studied.. Again we encourage you to allow your child to help in the planning and preparation of the snack.




Celery sticks with cream cheese or peanut butter

Carrot sticks with vegetable dip

Crackers with peanut butter (This is a great opportunity to allow your child the fine motor task of spreading peanut butter!)

Apples (different varieties add a learning opportunity)

Oranges (great for peeling and making juice) and bananas.

Raisins and other dried fruit (e.g. papaya, pineapple, dates, etc.)

Granola Mix

Different varieties of cheese, meats, and bread to make “shape” sandwiches

Pretzels (a low-fat, low cholesterol food!) and Popcorn


Cheese and Crackers

Yogurt (The children love to mix in cereal or fruit)

100% Juice or Milk is a nice compliment to the snack!

            We will schedule your child to bring the snack on the week of his/her birthday.  On other special occasions such as parties, please send enough for all of the children (and a few extras for any visitors)!