Why Should I Choose Champion Christian School?

How do Christian school students compare to students
in Catholic, public, and home schools?
 Notre Dame has been conducting ongoing research (Cardus Education Survey) that provides in-depth comparisons on students in each of these schools. "The Cardus Education Survey was launched believing that once we've measured the results of Christian education, we'll be able to both improve it, for those who come down this road after us; AND we'll be able to defend it to a general public that may become less and less convinced of the worth of what we're doing." "Through its ongoing research, consolidation of religious school research data, development of practical tools for individual schools, and its focus on making sound, research-driven policy arguments, Cardus will build on the success of the Cardus Education Surveys with this innovative continuing project."

- Cardus Education Survey results

- How ACSI responded to Cardus

- Purchase the entire study by visiting the CES website





North Campus
Donegal, PA 15628
(724) 593-9200
South Campus
Champion, PA 15622
(724) 455-2122