Summer Story Hour

Wednesdays @ 11:00 am (starting June 12) 
Students will have a story read to them and will have a craft or activity that goes along with the story. If you have questions, please call us at 724-593-9200 or email 

​​Visit our Summer Activities page for more info on our summer events and check our calendar for all of the dates for the library program!

The Center's library is a collection of resources focusing on family and children's literature and references to provide support and encouragement from a Christian perspective to individuals and families.

Students Reading     We have two libraries, one located at each of our campuses, and over 26,000 resources available to be utilized by the community. The North Campus facility houses primarily literature from middle school through adult, although there is also a small preschool selection. The South Campus facility houses literature including fiction and nonfiction for children, early education resources, counseling, and pregnancy center resources. You can find out how to help the library by checking out our needs list.​​