Ten Practical Statements About Sex
1. Thinking it won't happen to me is stupid. Sex is serious. Make a plan to wait until marriage.
2. Just because you think everyone is doing it doesn't mean they are. Some are, some aren't, and some are lying.
3. There are a lot of good reasons to say, No, not yet. Protecting your feelings is one of them.
4. You're in charge of your life. Don't let anyone pressure you into having sex.
5. You can always say no- even if you've said yes before.
6. Not having sex outside of marriage is just being smart- it doesn't mean you're overly sure of yourself.
7. If you think being responsible ruins the mood consider what a pregnancy will do.
8. If you are drunk or high, you can't make good decisions about sex. Don't do something you might not remember or might really regret.
9. Sex won't make him yours, and a baby won't make him stay.
10. Not ready to be someone's father? It's simple. Don't have sex.
Adapted from the National Campaign to Prevent Pregnancy's Ten Tips for Parents Edited by CPC