There Are Many Ways To Support Christian Values For Families

The Center depends on the generous giving of God's people. Tuition and other fees charged for service only cover part of the cost. Donations given by groups and individuals make up the rest of our budget. We work very hard to make the best use of each and every dollar received. For a more detailed presentation of our budget go to the Center's financial page. The Center does several major "Friend Raising" events each year.

Merle's Questions and Answers about giving to the Center.

The Center is made up of many groups of people working for the Lord. Sometimes people get connected through events like Grandparents' Day and Pastor Appreciation Day at Champion Christian School. We have many volunteers that help with work days, work in the library, share in chapels, or help with a fundraising event like the annual Christian music festival Alloutpraise! If you feel the Lord leading you to use your skills and talents, please contact us!

  Giving financial resources is the most common and significant way that people, organizations, and businesses invest in the ministry here. The Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax exempt.

  If you are interested in taking the challenge of significantly investing in the Center....Read More

  If you would like to make a financial contribution to the Lord's work here at the Center, you can make your check out to:

       ICVCFCC and mail to: 2166 Indian Head Road, CHAMPION, PA 15622. You will receive a receipt to be used for your tax records.

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