Leadership and responsibility mean many things to different people. For that reason, the Center has defined what it expects out of leaders, as well as what it does not.

            In order for an organization such as the Center to function there must be a shared vision that has several qualities; it must be from God; it must be realized and owned by many people; it must address the various issues and perspectives of the people whom it will effect; and finally, it must be carried out with a lot of hard work by every staff and leadership team member.

            In order to accomplish a vision with these qualities at the Center, we have established a broad base of leadership levels. They are: the Board of Directors, the Professional Staff, the Professional Advisory Board, the Parent Advisory Committee, the Parent-Teacher Fellowship, and the Student Council. Each of these groups works with a specific mission and responsibility to accomplish the goals and vision of the Center and its various program components. Out of these groups we have established leadership committees to focus on specific levels of responsibility at the Center. These committees are made up of individuals from each of the various leadership groups at the Center. Currently, the leadership committees formed are:


            Trustee to manage volunteer work on the grounds       Accreditation Committee 

            Library to manage the work of the library                    Special Projects Committees

            Because of the critical nature of development to the ministry of the Center, every year the Board and Development Office Committee establishes several major activities that help build and cultivate the Center's donor base. These activities build relationships and connect people to the Center as well as bring in much needed funding. They are critical to the Lord's provision of financial success for the ministry, and are based upon the assumption that many people across the scope of the Center's ministry will be involved. Currently, these events are:

Fall Fund-raiser (Product Sale)                                              Charity Auction Benefit

Golf Benefit                                                                           Scrip/GoodSearch and Goodshop Teams

Alloutpraise (however this event is so large, we need nearly everyone to participate in this program.   We do allow several high time connected groups to use this event as their leadership activity)



            We believe at the Center that everyone cannot do everything, but that we all have to do our part to help the success of the overall ministry. Everyone is not gifted in every area, but there are certain levels of activities that we all must help out with. These areas are outlined below:


             Shared vision is usually developed when a group is willing to work together to find out what God wants to do. This is accomplished when various perspectives and input are given to shape a decision that has been covered in prayer. Because of this there are several levels of expectation for leaders.


1.         They must attend meetings (each group has identified expectations)

2.         They must research, read, contemplate, and pray over the input they give to a decision. There must be a desire to have God's heart.

3.         They must be willing to identify personal issues (such as dual roles) and respond to areas identified by their supervisor that can cloud their discernment, and keep that from happening.

4.         They must  be willing to submit to authority and specifically to their team leader, supervisor, Center Director, and Board of Directors.


            The whole concept of shared vision is based upon perspective and input from various levels of leadership. As the Center grows, it is necessary for various committees to continue to form to address specific needs at the Center and to raise funds to operate. In addition, to obtain the kind of fund-raising and development (relationship building) activities that are necessary to drive an organization such as the Center, we need everyone to be involved. This must be volunteer time for staff members. It is expected that all members of leadership teams (except full-time staff which serve on two) serve on one committee a year.