RESUME EDUCATION: Columbia International University May 2001 Columbia, SC 29230 Master of Arts: Teaching English as a Foreign Language/Intercultural Studies Geneva College January 1992 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 Bachelor of Arts: Spanish Bachelor of Education: Elementary Education Latin American Studies Program Fall 1990 San Jose, Costa Rica HONORS: Summa Cum Laude, Alpha Chi National College Honor Society PROFESSIONAL PA Teacher Certification: Spanish, Elementary Ed. CREDENTIALS: ACSI Permanent Certificate National Teacher Exam PROFESSIONAL College Board Advanced Placement Program Each June, 2005 to Present DEVELOPMENT: AP Spanish Exam Readings
ACSI Teachers' Professional Development Each October, 2009 to
Present Costa Rica Trip, Intense Spanish Program May 2004 Midlands Technical College, SC South Carolina Foreign Language February 2004 Teachers' Association Conference AP Institute in Spanish Language June 2002 University of North Carolina
Teaching English as a Foreign Language Summer 2000 Summer Institute, Chisinau, Moldova CLASSROOM Champion
Christian School
August 2009 EXPERIENCE: Donegal, PA to Present
Instructor: High School Spanish, ESL, Health, Social Studies
The Lighthouse Christian Bilingual School August 2008 La Ceiba, Atlantida, Honduras to June 2009 Instructor: High school literature, Librarian
Columbia, SC
to June 2008 Instructor: High school
Spanish, ESL summer program; Assistant house parent
to international students St. Andrews Christian Academy October 1998
Columbia, SC
to May 2000 Instructor: Elementary Spanish Samara State University September 1995 Acad. Pavlov Street, 1 to June 1997 Samara, Russia 443011 Instructor of English language and literature; student worker through the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
& Short-term
missions trips with high school students and churches ACTIVITIES Student missionary fellowship advisor Spanish for Ministry instructor Drama and Puppet teams
Philosophy of Education As a Christian school teacher, I believe that I should teach so that my students are prepared in many different aspects. Students need to develop spiritually, academically, socially and physically during their years in school and as a teacher I can help to guide their development. I believe that it is important for me to help students to glorify God in all that they do in every aspect of their lives. First and foremost I believe in the importance of helping students to develop spiritually. Students need to develop a strong relationship with God and to seek His will for their lives. They also need to develop a Christian worldview that has a strong foundation in Scripture. As a teacher I can help students apply the truth of God’s Word by integrating it in all of the subjects that I teach. I also want to prepare students to be “world Christians” who are ready to share the truth of God’s Word with those at home and overseas. It is very important that students are prepared well academically in order to succeed in whatever the future holds for them. Students need to have knowledge and skills in a variety of subjects and be able to continue to learn throughout their lives. I believe that students also need to learn how to apply what they’ve learned in practical real world situations. I can do this by making the classroom learning as hands-on as possible. As I share my past experiences in classes, I hope to encourage students to travel and interact with other cultures. Finally, I believe that it is important to integrate the classroom subjects with each other and with God’s Word. During the school years, students develop socially in many ways. As a teacher, I hope to encourage students to develop healthy relationships with those around them, no matter what their gender, age or nationality. Using God’s Word, I want to guide students to love and respect each other and to be quick to serve one another. Finally, as students go through the various stages of their physical development, I hope to encourage them to develop good motor skills and physical health. As a teacher, I can help students learn to make wise choices in health, nutrition and exercise that will affect their total wellbeing. I can also guide them to consider how to glorify God in their bodies, as mentioned in the book of Romans. As a teacher, I believe that it is important to teach the whole student. As students are developing spiritually, academically, socially and physically, I hope to encourage them to strive for excellence and to do all for the glory of God.