The Center's Kingdom Culture Podcast

~ a ministry of the Christian Family & Children's Center ~

The Center's podcast is hosted by our Executive Director, Dr. D. Merle Skinner.  
It is an irregular publication and an ongoing conversation on everything from faith, family, counseling, education and other things that impact us as families and individuals in the culture.  Below are some of our most recent podcasts that we have done and/or participated in:
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#26 Join us in a journey with a battle with cancer
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined by Rev. Bill Howe, a local pastor, and discusses his battle with cancer.  Bill shares transparently his struggle with the disease, how the enemy attacked him during this time, the challenges to his faith walk, and most importantly how the Lord reminded him of who he is in relationship to God.  This is insightful not only for people struggling with chronic illness and difficult diagnoses, but  their caregivers and community around them.  

Listen here

#25 What does it take to do ministry long term?
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner and his wife, Barb Skinner, are joined by Mark and Debi Witt, founders of Teen Quest, a youth mission based out of Somerset, PA, to discuss the barriers and challenges present in staying in ministry for the long term.  They share fun and difficult tidbits about what it takes to follow God in a long term journey through the many ups and downs of building a long term successful ministry.  

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#24 The mental health, spiritual, and social emotional benefits of being involved in community! 
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined by Dr. Rich Hoffman, Clinical Director of Christian Counseling Associates to talk about the very practical benefits of being involved in Christian community.  They discuss practical barriers and benefits that keep us from connecting to others in the ways God wants us to.  

Listen here

#23 Find out how to redirect your PA Tax Liability to help students how to attend a Christian School.  This is a practical how to session!
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined again by Phil Puleo and they discuss the very practical issues of how people in Pennsylvania can help redirect their PA taxes (both personal and corporate) to enable families to choose Christian education.  Individuals and businesses can redirect all of their PA tax liability to financial aid for families if they are willing to match that with a 10% gift.  Find out how practically you can redirect (for example) your $3000 of PA Taxes to a Christian School Scholarship Organization if you are willing to pay the 10% that you don't get a credit for.  Are you willing to switch your mindset an learn about this incredible opportunity?  Learn more here.

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#22 What does Education Choice look like in reality? Where public policy and reality meet the road.
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined by Phil Puleo who formerly led the largest Christian School Association in Pennsylvania and is a current  professional consultant in the area of helping Christian schools grow and delvelop policies and practices that serve the communities they serve in healthy ways.  Phil and Dr. Skinner discuss some of the very practical realities that school choice brings to communities when it comes into fruition.

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#21 An inside look at the work of a District Attorney
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined by Peter Weeks, Esq., the current District Attorney in Blair County, Pennsylvania. He assumed the role in April 2020 having joined the office in 2007 as a Special Drug Prosecutor. He was promoted to First-Assistant District Attorney in 2018 before assuming his current role of the chief prosecutor. Weeks lives with his wife and two children in Blair County and is a former student at Champion Christian School.  Peter shares a great perpsetive from someone who is responsible for directing significant influence in the Justice system.  He talks about the difficulty of this process and candidly shares his perspetive humbly about how he carries out this role.  Listening to Pete will give you a unique perspetive on how to pray for your local District Attorney.

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#20 The Center's Endowment Goals 
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined again by Roy Laux, who shares about the Center's plans to implement Legacy giving to assure it has the resources to stay focused on ministry to families and children well into the future.

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#19 Why Should Christians think about Legacy Giving?
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined by Roy Laux, who is a Christian financial professional specializing in retirment planning and management.  Roy talks about the concept of Legacy Giving which carries a significant opportunity for Christians to invest in their Kingdom priorities that the Lord has laid on their heart.  Roy shares some practical tips, but also an overarching perspective that many seniors forgot or never see.   If you are at a point in life when you have the resources to achieve your goals, and have plans in place to help your family, it may be time to think beyond your family circle and look at the Kingdom God has laid before you.

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#18 Ministry in Haiti
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined by Brian Geesaman, President of Eagle Ranch Ministries, who discusses his time in ministry and Haiti, including the issues involved in cross cultural ministry, the opportunities that God has provided for him there and the may blessings Brian has received in doing this work which carries not only blessings but many challenges and opportunities.  

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#17 Christian Early Education Challenges

In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is interviewed by Dr. Althea Penn, the Vice President of Early Education at ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International), host of the Christian Education Podcast.  

In this episode of the 'Christian Education Podcast' hosted by Dr. Penn, Dr. Skinner discusses the founding of Champion School in 1981 and his work in Christian education. The dialogue proves insightful for any education professional, emphasizing child development, family roles, and cultural values in today's Christian educational landscape.

During the discussion, Dr. Skinner and Dr. Penn highlight mental health concerns concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. They stress the importance of social-emotional learning and trauma-informed practice in Christian schools, tackling mental health challenges head-on. Within the conversation, professionals will discover practical solutions for anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation among students and educators.

Addressing some of the significant challenges in Christian education today, they touch upon the 'great resignation,' teacher shortages, burnout, and liability in child handling. The duo explores how Christian educators can better advocate for funds and programs that benefit their school communities, encouraging Christian educators, parents, and stakeholders to stay resilient and actively shape the future direction of Christian education.

The episode concludes with a call to action. Despite the contemporary challenges, Christian educators are encouraged to stay strong, supportive, and continue their excellent work. With the transformative power of Christian education, future generations can significantly benefit. Tune in to this invaluable episode for anyone involved in or interested in Christian education.

Listen here to the interview

#16 Articulating Christian values in today's culture

In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined again by PA Family Institute's Senior legal counsel, Randall Wenger.  In this podcast Randy shares his thoughts about how to articulate and communicate in a very polarized culture and engage in healthy ways in the exchange of ideas from a biblical perspective.  Randy's experience with being involved in cases at the US Supreme court have inspired his conviction to help Christians to engage without being the difficult person that we have all heard sharing good ideas in very bad ways.

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#15  Christianity in Politics - Misconceptions
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined again by George Tryfiates, ACSI Vice President for Public Policy and Legal Affairs, to continue their conversations about being the Salt and Light in a public policy setting, talking about misconceptions regarding being involved in politics as a Christian. 

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#14 Christianity in Politics
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined by George Tryfiates, ACSI Vice President for Public Policy and Legal Affairs, talks about his time working in public policy in DC and concepts around how Christians can engage in healthy ways around topics that matter to people of faith including biblical sexuality, the value and balance of being winsome, how to think about the average Christian's role in public policy and much more . He also talks about some misconceptions regarding being involved in politics as a Christian and how to get involved.

Listen here: Christianity in Politics

#13 The Value of Citizens' Votes
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined by Representative Leslie Rossi to talk about her experience in politics, her passion for helping others, and the powerful impact that individual votes have on public policy. She also talks about ways that the average person can play their part in politics without running for office.

Listen here: Your Input Matters

#12 Living in North Korea as an American
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined by Dr. Rick Saccone to talk about his time living in North Korea. He shares his insights on the lives of the North Korean people and the nature of the underground church there. He also shares about his time working in counterintelligence and touches on the perspectives of terrorist organizations in the Middle East.

Listen here: Living in North Korea

#11 Our Godly Heritage: Are we really a Secular Nation?

In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined by Dr. Rick Saccone to discuss how God and the Bible has been woven into the inner-workings of our government throughout our history as a nation. He also discusses misinterpretations of the concept of separation of church and state.

Listen here: Our Godly Heritage

#10 Challenges in Christian Counseling

In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is joined by Dr. Tim Murphy again to discuss nuances revolving around the challenges of professional counseling from a Christian perspective in today's culture.  He also expands on his time in the US Congress..

Listen here: Challenges in Christian Counseling

#9 Managing Trauma from a Biblical Perspective

In this podcast, Dr. Skinner talks with Clinical Psychologist and former legislator, Dr. Tim Murphy about his new book "The Christ Cure: 10 Biblical Ways to Heal from Trauma, Tragedy, and PTSD", and what the Bible says about how to manage trauma.  Listen to this fascinating conversation about managing trauma.  Tim also shares about his time in the Navy as a Psychologist treating head injury victims,  and being a PA and US Legislator.
Listen here: Managing Trauma from a Biblical Perspective

#8 Discussion on Job and the Concepts of girding up our loins to wrestle with God

In this video podcast, Dr. Skinner joins several colleagues to think collaboratively and talk about Job's struggle with evil, pain, challenges and restoration.  We share our thoughts and feelings about the difficult but blessed concepts in the book of Job.
If you like this idea, let us know as we are developing a discussion group to deal with walking out our faith in practical ways. Just a note, this is a conversation about our walk in faith, not a bible study (Note: If you are looking for a bible study, let us know. We can help with that!)

#7 Following God's Lead (Life as a Military Chaplain)
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner talks with John Kenyon, retired Chaplain, Lt Col, USAF. John shares about following the Lord's leading to become a Chaplain and some of his experiences in the military. He also shares a little bit about his current journey in seeking the Lord/following His lead to become a Colson fellow and what that journey has been like for him so far.

Listen here: Following God's Lead

#6 How the Early Church thought about Christmas

Since Christmas is over, here is a chance to think about ways to help your family to celebrate Christmas with a historical twist by looking at how the early church thought about Christmas.

In this podcast Dr. Ricketts and Dr. Skinner talk about and explore some of the current trends in thinking about how to help families stay focused on Christ’s birth at Christmas. Look at some of the things that this historical and early church thought about celebrating Christmas as Dr. Ricketts takes a fresh look back at how/why/and where some of them developed.

Listen here: How the Early Church Thought about Christmas

#5 Managing a Life/Marriage Crisis

Dr. Skinner is joined by John to discuss how God worked all things for good in his life when it all seemed to be falling apart. When a marriage gets difficult, even leading to separation, good Christian counsel can provide guidance that allows God to do a work that brings a marriage back together and builds a stronger bond. In the words of John, "When God is first in your life, your marriage can prosper."  Hear his story about God's work in his life and marriage.

Listen here: Managing  a Life/Marriage Crisis

#4 Current Trends in Education, Politics & Counseling

Christian Counseling Associates (one of the Center's ministry partners) featured our Executive Director, Dr. D. Merle Skinner, on their podcast, titled "Christian Education is Back."

Christian education is a very important conversation for us to have as Christian schools are places where kids can be surrounded by traditional values, truth, and the space they need to simply just be a child, so the podcast does cover a lot about the topic of Christian education, BUT it is jam packed with a lot of great content and covers much more than just a conversation about Christian education. In this podcast you'll hear Dr. Skinner & Dr. Rich Hoffman discuss things like....

  • public school, Christian/private education, and current trends seen in schools that kids are facing
  • current political and legislative happenings surrounding Christian education and school choice
  • the importance of worldview
  • mental health crisis
  • Christian counseling, current trends seen in this field, and how this relates to students today


You can  find the podcast on youtube or podomatic.

#3 Affecting Cultural Change Through Political Activism
In this podcast, Dr. Skinner is interviewed while in Washington DC about how political activism can be a tool for promoting cultural change.  

Listen here: Political Activism for Cultural Change

#2 Keep Your Kids Safe Online

In this podcast, Dr Skinner talks with Bill Klasnic, VP at Bark - a company focused on providing filtering for safety and content for phone and Internet usage. The conversation focuses on Internet safety issues, pornography usage, and ways that technology can help with these important roles in parenting, working with those struggling with inappropriate usage, and how parents and others can use a tool like Bark to help with accountability and safety. They talk about the Center's new partnership with Bark which makes it easy for everyone to get access to resources around this important issue and obtain filtering that is easy to use and maintains a high level of technology.

Listen here:  Online Safety Podcast

Find out more at

#1 What Can We Learn From the Jesus Movement?

What if revival is coming? 

Dr. Allyn Ricketts joins Dr. Merle Skinner for a discussion where they explore the subject of the Jesus Movement in the 60s and 70s. They both share their personal experiences and their thoughts about what we can learn from this time to help us think through a biblical response to revival when God brings it our way!

Listen here:  Jesus Revolution Podcast

Find out more about the Christian Family & Children's Center

"Then the eyes of these who see will no longer be closed, and the ears of those who hear will listen. The mind of the rash will know and understand and the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear." Isaiah 32:3,4

Other Resources That Might be of interest:

Christian Counseling Services

Champion Christian School