Reviews of books we have in our library. Our library is open to the public and each of these books can be found and checked out online, just visit our library website for all of the details!

Grand Canyon: A Different View

One book from our library that I have really enjoyed is Grand Canyon: a Different View. This is a nonfiction book looking at the Grand Canyon through the eyes of Creationism. The photography is beautiful and it is worth a look just for that. But, the Biblical references and creationist explanations are clear and compelling. A great book!

Paul by Walter Wangerin

This book is a novel, but is based on the life of the apostle Paul viewed through the eyes of other people. It begins with the voice of Priscilla, a believer mentioned several times in the New Testament. She and her husband Aquila have just been kicked out of Rome and have yet to meet Paul.
I read this book many years ago and do not remember many details. But I do remember how absorbed I was with the book and how enriching it was for me. I recommend this book and, now that I have found it again, plan on reading it again this summer. Enjoy!

The Oath by Frank Peretti

Time Magazine said “The king of the (Christian Fiction) genre is Frank Peretti.”
From the best-selling author of Monster, comes another outstanding work of Christian fiction, Frank Peretti’s The Oath.
There is something sinister going on in the abandoned mining town of Hyde River, nestled in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest. Something going on that is pure evil.
It is only when hidden secrets of Hyde River’s past are exposed that the true danger of the evil lurking there is revealed.

A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L'Engle

Out of a wild and stormy night, came a disturbing visitor to the Murray household and beckoned Meg, her brother Charles Wallace, and their friend, Calvin to come with him on a dangerous and extraordinary voyage. It’s a perilous adventure that threatens their lives and the very universe we live in.
And then there is the issue of the tesseract or a “wrinkle in time”. But wait a minute, to tell more would rob the reader of the enjoyment of Madeleine L’Engle’s most unusual adventure, A Wrinkle in Time.

The Kneeling Christian by Zondervan Publishing House

The unknown Christian author also authored the book "How to Live the Victorious Christian Life".
The Kneeling Christian truly shows how prevailing in prayer touches God's heart and leads to dynamic, effective results. A great prayer warrior is developed, not by an instant choice; but, through patterns and habits that are disciplined and developed over time. It truly is a lifestyle and God's says the effectual fervent prayers of Christians touch God's heart.

The Book of Hope by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

This is not a feel good fluff book. It is one that leads you to scripture to ensure your peace, joy, and happiness are rooting in scripture and healthy, lasting purpose. The hope we have in heaven and in the triune natures of God help us to forgive and love both ourselves and others through prayer and a deeper scriptural understanding of purpose, peace, and fulfillment. Deeper read than you might think; but, deep thinking leads to change and ultimate happiness.